What we do

Review of Scientific Articles and Statistical Analysis
We review articles in Portuguese and English and suggest editions, together with suggestions for writing style so that the article is clear and concise.
We perform and interpret statistical analyses, which are fundamental to support your scientific work.
of Scientific Articles and Article Production from Thesis
Help publishing your thesis is also part of our services. We assembled the article from the information in your thesis.
We manage your scientific article even if it has been rejected, in order to maximize your chances of publication via rewriting and resubmission.

Translation and support for FAPESP PIPE projects
We translate scientific articles to English and Spanish.
PIPE (Innovative Research in
Small business)
If you want to receive a grant for your research (non-refundable), we help writing the project and the necessary documentation successfully. Our team has already obtained projects in this modality.


Dr. Flavia Pinheiro Zanotto
I have my academic training abroad: a Master's degree from the University of Florida and a PhD from the University of Oxford. I was Visiting Professor at the University of North Florida in 2011, and a Collaborating Professor at the University of São Paulo for many years. I was also an ad hoc advisor at FAPESP and at the NSF in the USA. I have extensive experience writing articles in English to international scientific journals effectively and presenting lectures in Portuguese and English.